If it is possible to identify the factors which negatively impact the lives of children and which create or perpetuate poverty - it is equally possible to 'Flip the Factors' and pre-emptively create the conditions which would enable a child to thrive in childhood and into adulthood.
Based on research, practitioner experience and reflective practice, we have consolidated the myriad of factors affecting children to 5 key Impact Factors. When ignored, under-resourced or actively endorsed, these factors will adversely affect the life chances and experiences of a child. But when flipped, actively combatted and replaced with their positive flip-side, the presence of these same factors could enable children to create lives for themselves free from the grip of long-term poverty.

Personal Belief
A tenacious, integral, optimistic belief based on plausible expectations that a future life of fulfilment and freedom from long-term poverty is possible.
This belief (which may be fragile) is supported and enhanced by continual exposure to opportunities, role-models and milestone successes.

Engaging Education
A continuous experience of engaging education provision. Barriers to access are not only removed, but high-quality teaching is focussed on learning, innovation, involvement and an outcome designed to enhance future life expectations.
Pupils are mentored through an education experience with employability being a higher goal than exam grades achieved.

Meaningful Money
A wealth of attainable employment opportunities with clear promotion pathways. Sources of work are physically accessible, employees are trained for future retention rather than treated as disposable and life-sustaining income generation is the norm for the city.
Women who earn are also able to keep and control this money.

Health, Home & Hood
Safe, secure, dry, warm housing that is affordable and provides domestic stability. Children live free from danger or fear and are able to learn in connected environments. Neighbourhoods are safe, clean & planned with health, play and community building in mind.
Health is sustained through fresh food, expert advice, addiction support and medical assistance being available locally.

Resiliecny Responders
A network of emergency responders who can provide holistic bridging support through practical help, advice, guidance and intervention where needed to maximise resiliency to life changes & traumas - ensuring the time a child’s life is adversely affected by poverty is as short as possible.
Such assistance is publicly funded, understanding this to be ultimately cost effective.
Download a draft version of our vision and strategy booklet to begin a conversation today.
The Milton Keynes Child Poverty Partnership is supported by
If you would like to sponsor the work of MKCPP, please contact us.