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Check back here soon for the launch of our Neighbourhood Action Resources. These will guide you through how to recognise needs in your community, how to discover the abilities and strengths already at your disposal and help you get started to make a difference locally.  

in the mean time, if you simply can't wait, then below are a few ideas of ways to get involved in challenging child poverty immediately. 


Register your interest in becoming an anti-poverty employer

Offer flexible contracts to lone parent employers

Provide safe transport options to staff working unsocial hours

Provide loans, nurseries or grants to staff around certain times of year

or when a house move requires large cash volumes up-front

Sponsor employees to achieve higher educational levels as adult learners

Subsidise nursery placements for children of staff

The Milton Keynes Child Poverty Partnership is supported by

If you would like to sponsor the work of MKCPP, please contact us.